Philippians 1
1. In verse 7, the writer says grace can be both imprisonment and proclamation of the gospel in public spaces. Why do you think the writer calls both of these things grace?
2. What is the prayer in verses 9-11?
3. What is the writer’s attitude in verses 12-13?
4. Why is it important to share both praise reports and hardships? (Hint: verse 14)
5. What should be our attitude toward those who proclaim the gospel from selfish motives? (Hint: verse 18).
6. Verses 20-22 talk about glorifying God in death and life. How can God be glorified in death?
7. In verse 27, the writer encourages the audience to walk “worthily”. Based on the context what does that mean?
8. How should Christians act in the face of opposition?
9. Why is it a privilege to suffer for Christ?