Ephesians 5

  1. Who do we imitate as children of God?

  2. What should replace behavior that is out of character for God’s people?

  3. What identifies the children of light? Hint: verses 9-10. 

  4. Based on the first 10 verses, how can Christians “expose” deeds of darkness?

  5. Verses 15-17 talk about living wisely. What does it mean it to live wisely?

  6. The exhortation to families begins in verse 22. But to understand verse 22, what exhortation comes first? Hint: verses 17-21.

  7. Corporate worship is important. Do you see any verses that might explain why?

  8. Why is marriage important for Christians? Why is single-hood important for Christians?

  9. Why do you think the author included these encouragements to the church in Ephesus?


Ephesians 6


Ephesians 4