Ephesians 3
What is the secret that the author is talking about in verses 1-6?
What is the role of the church in verse 10?
How did Jesus’ sacrifice create access for believers? What can we now access? (verses 11-12).
What is the author’s prayer in verses 16-19?
Verses 20-21 is a benediction, a benediction is a declaration of blessing and/or a request for help from God. What blessings are declared in these verses? Why do you think it is important to speak blessings out of your mouth?
The last part of the benediction in verse 21 speaks of directing the glory that is in the church to God. Why is it important to give all glory to God?
Verses 13, 16, and 21 all mention the word glory or a variant of the word “glory” which in Biblical Greek is Doxa. How can tribulations be glory? How is God rich in glory? How do we give God glory in church?
If unity and communal revelation bring God glory (vv. 6, 8,9,10), how can the church make unity a priority?
What is God revealing to you about glory?